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What is Energetic healing?

Energetic or shamanic healing restores balance and harmony to your body, mind, and spirit through a variety of techniques, including non-psychedelic journeying, soul retrieval, and energy cleansing. The goal is to help you connect more deeply with the wisdom of nature and the universe.

Healing practitioners serve as bridges between the physical world and the spiritual realm. I believe that all aspects of life are deeply interconnected and that illness or disharmony arises when these connections are lost or disrupted. This spiritual work helps you explore inner landscapes, heal past wounds, and reclaim parts of yourself that may have been lost along life's journey. Whether you’re seeking healing, personal growth, or a deeper understanding of your place in the cosmos, shamanic practices offer a compassionate, empowering approach to wellness that honors the whole person.

How does this work?

First, fill out the form to apply for a healing session. It takes about five minutes. Here's the link to do so.

Once I get an understanding of what you're looking for, I'll reach out to schedule your connection call. During this call, we'll talk through what's brings you to this work and what intentions you have for it. Then we'll set the date for your healing ceremony.

Healing ceremonies can be done online or in-person. I'll design the ceremony for your needs. On the date of the ceremony, you'll prepare by having few commitments scheduled and plenty of open space to integrate what we've done.

After your ceremony, we'll have an integration call that helps you "land the plane," so to speak, and incorporate what you've experienced into your life.

Can I do this work online or does it have to be in person?

Healing ceremonies can be done online or in-person. The way we prepare your ceremony will change, but the basic structure and intention of the ceremony will stay the same.

In-person work, unless arranged otherwise, will take place at a location in West Des Moines, Iowa. The address will be shared after the initial appointment is set.

Whether the ceremony is held online or in-person, the time commitments for each part of the process are:

Connection Call: 30 minutes

Healing Ceremony: 2 hours for the ceremony, and I recommend taking the rest of the day off. At the very least, plan not to have any serious commitments in the 2 hours following the call. In other words, don't plan to give a speech or operate heavy machinery (that last part is a little tongue-in-cheek, but a good idea anyway).

Integration Call: 45 minutes

What kinds of outcomes should I expect?

This is transformative, personal work that is highly dependent on the needs and the situation of each client, which makes it difficult to predict the outcome. The work you do in this space is driven partly by your intention, but we leave space for the insight, potential, and guidance of your higher self, ancestors, and guides.

That being said, clients typically leave feeling surprised by what they discovered and accomplished in their session. Clients often feel deeply moved by their experience, reconnected to something greater than themselves, and report having more energy and optimism than they've felt in a long time.

How do I get started?

To get started, go ahead and fill out the application, which you can find here. The app only takes about five minutes to complete, and it helps me understand what you're looking for and how I can help you.

Where do you

want to be in

one year?

And what are you

willing to let go of

to get there?

Are we connected yet?

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